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Copenhagen Climate Ministerial, 21.-22.3. – invitation for press

marts 21, 2024 - marts 22, 2024

gratis for presse

Copenhagen Climate Ministerial – invitation for press

On 21 and 22 March 2024 Denmark will host the Copenhagen Climate Ministerial (CCM) in cooperation with the COP presidencies of the United Arab Emirates and Azerbaijan.

he Ministerial will lay the path to a successful COP29, building on the historic UAE Consensus result from COP28 in Dubai. Please find below a list of press options:

Tuesday the 19th of March 13.00 CET: Virtual press briefing with Dan Jørgensen, Danish Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy. The briefing will cover the current state of the global climate negotiations, key Danish priorities and how the CCM can contribute to a more successful outcome of COP29.

The briefing will be off the record with a short on the record segment in the end.

To sign up send an email to Lisa Christensen at with your name and media.

You will receive a participation link on email.

Thursday the 21st of March 10-11.30 CET at Marienlyst Strandhotel Nordre Strandvej 2A, 3000 Helsingør:

Opening segment of the CCM. The press is welcome to attend, film and take pictures.

As a part of the opening segment of the Copenhagen Climate Ministerial, ‚The COP Presidencies Troika‛ – a partnership between COP28, COP29 and COP30 Presidencies – will present the next steps to inject both pace and stability into the COP process in line with the UAE Consensus agreed in Dubai.

Thursday the 21st of March 18.15 CET at Kronborg Castle: Family photo of all CCM participants. Press is welcome to film and take pictures. Video and pictures will be made available for press afterwards at the webpage of the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities:

Interview requests: For interviews with Danish Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy Dan Jørgensen please contact Lisa Christensen at +45 41729062 /

Press inquiries for UAE and Azerbaijan: UAE: Nisar Hussain: and Oliver Phillips:

Azerbaijan: Elvin Akhundov:

Signing up: To cover any of the above-mentioned press options please send name, media, email and WhatsApp number to Lisa Christensen +45 41729062 /

When you sign up further details will be provided on exactly when and where press should show up to access the opening segment and the family photo.

Questions: Contact Lisa Christensen +45 41729062 /

Read more about the CCM:


marts 21, 2024
marts 22, 2024
gratis for presse


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